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Tu B’Shvat Seder – Egalitarian Service

Date(s) - 01/27/2018
All Day

Congregation B'nai Jeshurun

Dear Congregant –
The Holiday of TuB’Shvat is  coming up.  This is traditionally known as The Holiday of Trees.
The Tree is the Symbol of Life, and the Symbol of the Jewish People.
In addition, it is a Holiday connected to the agricultural cycle in Israel – the 15th day of Shvat, when the almond blossoms open and the sap in the trees are beginning to rise.
Therefore, on TuB’Shvat it is traditional to eat fruits from Israel.
There are 7 species – 5 fruit & 2 grains.
They are:
Wheat, barley, grapes, dates, pomegranates, olives & figs.
It is also traditional to eat fruits you haven’t eaten in awhile or have never eaten.
Therefore, it is necessary to include the shecheyanu prayer.
When one plants a seed in fertile soil and adds water – he gives it a chance to grow. Take out the seed and it cannot root. We Jews connect ourselves to our roots -the Jewish people take nourishment from our life source – the Torah.  We grow through our accomplishments as individuals, as a Congregation, and a Community.
There were 2 trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden – the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge.
Let us continue to grow by coming together to learn and celebrate this Holiday.
Please Join Us for a Traditional TuB’Shvat Seder, led by Cantor Edry
Saturday, January, 27th, following Services & Kiddush
Eat traditional Fruits, Nuts & Wine
Joyce Lieb
Ritual Chair