
Today is May 7, 2024 -

Purim Cards Sale

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Date(s) - 01/19/2021 - 01/26/2021
All Day

Share the Purim Joy

Use our online ordering to celebrate Purim by sending a greeting card. 
Your donation will be acknowledged to everyone who receives a card from you.
The proceeds will benefit Congregation B’nai Jeshurun.
  • Purim Cards: $5 each (Congregants or Non-Members)
    Given the present circumstances, only cards are being mailed

Here’s How It Works

Order deadline is Tuesday, January 26, 2021
  1. Go to the website [https://holiday.cbjsi.com/purim]
  2. Select any congregants you would like to send a card to and add to the cart
    For any non-members not listed, select the non-members’ menu under shop.
    Please make sure you enter the name and address of the non-members. 
  3. Once you complete, checkout and place your order. 
    Note: there will be a 3.5% surcharge for the credit card usage added to the order 
Our CBJ Fundraising committee will organize the mailing.
Deadline: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Late Orders will incur a late fee of $1.00 per recipient
If you have any issues using the online order website contact the office or please fill out these forms and mail them back to the CBJ office. (Mail-in Form and Congregant List)
Contact the office if you have any questions:
cbjshul@gmail.com or (718) 981-5550